This section contains my "all time favorite video game list". All of these are spectacular examples of video game excellence. The contents of this list are apt to change. |
1. Final Fantasy X-2 - Let's start off with my personal favorite, Final Fantasy X-2. This is the sequel to Final Fantasy X. For the first time, Square has made a Final Fantasy sequel. You join Yuna, once again, along with her cousin Rikku and newcomer, Paine. They have formed a group of sphere hunters called the Gullwings. The travel all over their world of Spira in a fasion that can only remind you of Charlie's Angels. Yuna starts off her journey when she sees a sphere of her long lost boyfriend, Tidus. If there is any possibility that he is still alive, then Yuna must look for him! I highly reccomend playing through Final Fantasy X before you play this one. A lot of the game content will be confusing if you don't. |
2. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - This is my all time favorite Gameboy Advance game. It captures the battle system from the original Final Fantasy Tactics, flawlessly. The story may be a little more childish, but this doesn't mean the game isn't good. You start off the journey as a boy named Marche. He and his friends, Ritz, Mewt and his brother Doned are all teleported to the magical world of Ivalice. Marche joins a clan and begins fighting his way across Ivalice to find his way back home. A brilliant game with a brilliant battle system. Any GBA owner without this game should be smacked upside the head! (Just kidding! Relax!). |
3. Final Fantasy VII - This was the first 3D Final Fantasy Game on any console. It was also one of the best. You are the character Cloud Strife and you join a renegade group, Avalanche, that tries to save the planet. Cloud has a troubled past that he barely remembers. As you fight through your quest, Cloud's past is slowly revealed. The entire plot is truely great. Plus there is always the fact that he uses a freakin huge sword when he fights ^^. |
4. Fatal Frame - The Fatal Frame series is the scariest video game series of all time. Forget Resident Evil. You will piss your pants playing this series. As the main character of both games, you get a camera that can take pictures of ghosts. When you take a picture of a ghost, it kills the ghost by sealing it in the camera. You then go around the mansion or village (depends on which game you are playing) taking pictures of ghosts as you slowly discover their extremely terrifying pasts. When I say extremely terrifying, I mean extremely terrifying. This is not a game for young kids. They will have the worst nightmares imaginable. The first game explores something called the Strangling Ritual, which is a real shinto ritual. In the second game, you explore a ceremony where twin girls are required to kill each other. Those minor plot details should be enough to give you an idea about how truly disgusting these games can be. I still love them though ^^. |
5. Max Payne - The Max Payne series is all about a renegade cop known as Max Payne. His family was brutally murdered by some drug junkies, which caused him to become a cold, hardened individual. When Max finds out who may have been responsible for his family's killing, he goes out into the night and hunts them down. Along the way, he is set up as a murderer and is being hunted by the entire NYPD. This is only the first game. I won't say anything about the second game because it would ruin the first for you. Just go out and get Max Payne now! You will be addicted for life. (Not for kids, at all). |
6. Golden Sun - Golden Sun was the first real RPG for the Gameboy Advance. It was one of my most favorite RPG's of all time too. You play as a group of kids who can use magic (psyenergy) and little creatures called Djinn to fight the forces of evil. Your goal is to stop the villain of the game. I would go into greater detail, except both games are quite different from each other. The characters are different and their personal objectives are different as well. Just trust me when I say this is an amazing RPG for the Gameboy Advance. |
7. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - The first installment of the Zelda series on the gamecube is truely a great one. It has a new cell shaded graphical style that looks absolutely stunning. The plot is fairly simple, but it works fine. You play as Link, again, and your home world isn't Hyrule this time around. You live on an island in the middle of a huge ocean. On Link's birthday, he gets to wear the hero of time's clothing for the day. It is a tradition. On this very day, Link's sister is taken away by a huge bird. Link sets off to save her with a band of pirates. This is only the beginning of the story. It ends up with Link having to once again save the world. This is a game for all ages, except you need a lot of patience. You have to sail from island to island on a boat. It can take a while to sail to certain places. If you can handle a little waiting, then you will definitely love this game. |
8. Xenosaga - This game isn't for those who get bored easily. The cutscenes are very, very long in this game. One of the movie sequences is 30+ minutes long. If you can stand sitting and watching for a while, then you will be greatly rewarded with one of the greates RPG's of all time. The story revolves around a young woman, Shion and a robot she is working on, KOS-MOS. KOS-MOS is a weapon against an evil alien race that constantly attacks the humans. Your goal is to basically save the galaxy from this great evil. The game takes a very long time to complete (mostly due to the huge cutscenes). But when you do, you will feel like you made a large accomplishment, trust me. |
9. Super Smash Brothers Melee - A pure and simple fighting game. But this isn't like any other fighting game on the planet. This is the ultimate fighting party game. One cannot explain the pure bliss you recieve while playing this game in a 4 person battle. If you have a ton of friends, then you will definitely want to get this game. You can play as any of the major Nintendo characters including Mario, Captain Falcon, Pikachu and Donkey Kong. You basically pick your character and go into an all out slug-fest until only one is standing. If you still can't grasp the pure insanity that is Super Smash Bros. Melee, then you'll just have to go out and rent it. Do it! NOW! |
10. Ratchet and Clank - This is a platforming game a lot like Spyro or Mario 64. In this game you have a huge arsenal of weapons and gadgets at your disposal. Each weapon is more devestating than the last. You start out as Ratchet, a weird lookin alien. Ratchet is trying to build a space ship so he can leave his home planet. In comes Clank, a small robot with a big attitude. Clank helps Ratchet start his ship in return for helping him save the galaxy. Your goal in Ratchet and Clank is to stop Chairman Drek from the Gadgetron Corporation from blowing up other planets just so he can have a new planet of his own to live on. There is another game in the series (pictured to the left. It's called Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando), which I have also. It is much harder than the first but still has the same basic controls. These are both amazing games that have revamped the Platforming genre to an amazing degree. |